Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Around the Internet

Independent Fix-it Shops Offer Nearly 50 Percent Savings for L.A. Drivers - Wow...I had no idea that dealers charge that much more for service. Getting new brakes? Transmission? Big bucks!!

"Los Angeles motorists can save nearly 50 percent on car repairs by patronizing an independent repair shop rather than a dealership, says a first-ever study of the issue."

Experts Don't Expect the Rush Retailers Would Like - Expect sales tax in LA County to go up to 9.25% on April 1st, no foolin'. The legislature approved the sales tax rate increase in February, and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed it into law Feb. 20. The income is meant to help alleviate a $42 billion budget deficit. Oh, and as of July 1, "most county residents will see an additional half-percent hike - to 9.75 percent - to fund transportation projects authorized when local voters approved Measure R last November." So we're going to see sales tax go from 8.25% to 9.75% within a few months. Yikes!!

On that note, on May 19, the vehicle licensing fee will nearly double, from .65 to 1.15 percent, part of the deal to resolve the state's budget crisis.

Eau de Boy: There's such a thing as too much Axe - This was a funny article about what to expect from your boy after age 10.

Redondo Beach bystanders hurt when driver, 88, plows into restaurant - It's always disturbing to hear stories stories like these. And when I heard that a toddler was involved, it was just infuriating.

"The 88-year-old man, whom police did not immediately identify, apparently hit the car's accelerator instead of the brake pedal, sending the car hurtling through the store's glass facade, police said. "

Monday, March 30, 2009

Feeding to the Music

We've started feeding MetaGirl solid food, and much like with MetaBoy, it's taking a while. A while and a lot of patience...laundry...paper towels, all with limited success since she's not interested in consuming anything other than breastmilk. The toughest part is getting her to open her mouth. Sometimes, if I smile, giggle, and dance, she opens her mouth and I sneak in the smallest bit of food.

One favorite? Singing her this song.

Maybe I need to start investing in other boppy beats like...ABBA? Oh, parenthood.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

Around the Internet

Study: Kids Often Misdiagnosed With Food Allergies - A very interesting article that is sure to create skepticism about the current state of food allergies based on blood tests alone.

"Tests on 125 children with allergies and eczema and found that more than 50 percent of the kids could tolerate foods they had been told to avoid."

Alice Waters on 60 Minutes - I really think she's right. And I'm glad she's been around pushing good food on the U.S. because I think it's fair to say the FDA and the USDA aren't bothered by such pursuits. Having the luxury of being able to shop at farmers' markets has allowed me to realize how good food can be. And that salad...ooo, it looks to good!!

NPR Cancels All Newspaper Subscriptions Except Wall Street Journal - It seems ironic. But they've been cutting back in all areas, which has included canceling two shows and laying off 7% of its staff. And if they can get certain content online for free (e.g., New York Times)...well...

‘Sesame Street’ Producer to Reduce Workforce by 20% - This makes me sad. But they could probably use a reworking of expenses. Per the article, 2008 revenue and expenses were $145 million and $141 million, respectively. "Program expenses at Sesame Workshop, which include content distribution and product licensing, totaled $116.4 million in last year, up from $100 million the year before."

Auto Tax Revenues Going in Reverse, Hurting Cities' Coffers - An informative article breaking down how dismal car sales are impacting Los Angeles and surrounding cities. I'd guess it's applicable to most U.S. cities.

Acne: another bump from the recession - The stress caused by the tough economy can lead to acne. Ack!! Ironically, that stresses me out.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Humidifier Options

I'm looking for a good method to reduce the dry air in our bedroom. I keep waking up feeling like I swallowed sand. And MetaGirl, who sleeps in our room, has been waking up congested. It's time to just bite the bullet and get one.

Ahhh...but which one? The research begins. I found this comment jammed with great information.

Does anyone out there have any good experiences with humidifiers?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Warm & Fuzzy Rain Boots!!

Having lived in Los Angeles for all of my 30 something years, I really never had a good excuse to buy rain boots. But something possessed me this year. I finally got a pair... Moov Boots! And while I bought them just after the heavy rain in December, they really came in handy for the heavy rain in January and February. And yes, heavy is relative ;-)

They're warm and fuzzy on the inside. They're lovely on the outside.

No, they're not cheap, but they're sturdy and I don't slip when I walk, which means they'll last me a long time. They're sold and shipped from Australia, so you'll have to convert the price into your currency to know your true cost (I like this site). Keep in mind that the price includes shipping.

Even better, Daily Candy is offering a discount of 30% (coupon code: DCMOOV)! Yes, I'm regretting not having waited. But oh well...can't win them all.