Monday, April 28, 2008

What's for Breakfast?

A Dutch study found that people who skipped breakfast were more than twice as likely to be overweight, even if the breakfast eaters consumed more net calories. Isn't the logic of that frustrating? You think you're reducing your caloric intake, thereby increasing your potential of slimming down, but you're actually just shooting yourself in the foot.

This article goes a step further and points out the good, the bad, and the ugly about what you're having for breakfast. Less sugar and more protein are guidelines in keeping you satisfied longer, thus preventing mid-morning binges. Muffin, anyone?

I tend to wake up hungry these days. Well, I tend to be hungry most of the time these days. But I digress. Regardless of what I eat, I always have a cup of *coffee* made with instant decaf and soy milk (instead of water). MetaDaddy thinks instant and decaf in the same sentence with coffee are vile concepts. But me? I was raised on a pinch of instant coffee mixed with hot (not boiling) milk and a touch of this is comfort food. It took a while to get used to the soy milk, but I had to because I had to reduce my dairy consumption while I nursed MetaToddler. Now, besides milk feeling much heavier in my "coffee" than it used to, it doesn't always sit well in my tummy, so I'm back to soy.

As for the food part of my breakfast, cereal tends to last me long enough to get around to making my real breakfast. Hence, it's rare that I even bother. Toast will only do if it's slathered in cream cheese or some nice cheese. Though it's likely accompanied by a small bowl of plain yogurt with my favorite granola. Oatmeal sounds fine, but there isn't enough protein for me and it's very slow to eat, which is tough when I have to run after you know who. Besides, it makes me gag these days. If I'm really hungry, my go to breakfast is quick and easy: two fried eggs and toast (MetaToddler's favorite). And whatever I eat, MetaToddler must eat or he gets cranky. He must get that from his daddy ;-)

MetaToddler tends to have a decent-sized breakfast himself. We still feed him baby cereal, but we mix it with prune juice and water to keep him *moving*. I can count on my hand the number of times he's been constipated, so this has been a great trick taught to us by our pediatrician. He also eats most (or all) of a banana, as well as a mix of other fruits (e.g., strawberry, blueberry, organge, sapote) that are in season at the farmers' market. Then, he moves on to nibbling my breakfast, whatever that may be. Then there's the mid-morning snack, but that's another story.

Overall, though, I agree that the most successful breakfasts are high in protein. The article does point out that some people need more protein than others, which is interesting. Find out what works for you instead of looking to compare your diet to others, pound for pound.