Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Allergy Labels

Once kids start day care, school, or the like, they have to start bringing certain things along with them. Mabel's Labels is a website that sells labels for stuff, but more clever than that, labels that identify allergies. If your kid has an allergy, it's best to make the warning obvious for other care providers. They say the labels "withstand the dishwasher, microwave, UV Rays and hard wearing children," so they should last a while.

At $16 for 20 labels, if containers and cups tend to get lost outside of your home, it might not be worth the investment in the durable labels. A cheaper option might be to buy some address labels and print the necessary information on a full sheet for a fraction of the price. You'd have to re-apply after washing, but you'd still end up saving money.

Another alternative is using a label maker, if you have one. The label would last longer on the container than a paper label because it won't dissolve in water, though I don't know how it would react in a microwave.